3 Mar 2011

Baked Camembert

This is another recipe from Jamie Oliver's collection.  This baked Camembert can be served as an appetizer or main dish.  Personally, I like treating this meal like a fondue - dipping a warm crusty baguette in the gooey cheese with a side of salad and a glass of white wine.  Alternatively, the melted cheese can be dumped on a pile of pasta.  Many great ways to eat this cheese.
(Serves 2)
-1 round Camembert (250 grams)
-2 cloves of chopped garlic
-1 sprig of rosemary
-Olive oil

-Cut the top of the Camembert off.
-Place cheese back into the wooden box that it came in.
-On top of the cheese, sprinkle with the chopped garlic, pepper and rosemary.
-Drizzle lightly with olive oil.
-Place the cheese in the wooden box on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 185 degrees C.

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